Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy details Our guidelines and procedures for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information collected when you utilize the Service as well as Your privacy rights under law and ways they are protected.

Interpretation and Definitions:

Words with their first letters capitalized have meanings which will be defined here. All definitions will carry the same significance whether written as singular or plural forms.

As used for this policy on privacy:

Account refers to any personal account created for yourself on our Service or portions thereof.

Affiliate is defined as any legal entity which has control of or is controlled by one or more parties; “control” refers to ownership of at least 50% of equity interest, shares or securities with voting power in elections for directors or management authorities.

News lase (the Company”, We”, Us”, or Our”) is defined in this Agreement as News lase Inc.

Cookies are small files stored on Your mobile phone, computer, and any other gadget from an online site which contain information on Your browsing history and any additional functions available to You from that particular website. In Pakistan it refers to: Pakistan

Device refers to any device capable of accessing our service, such as a computer, cell phone or tablet computer.

Service refers to any website. Service Provider refers to any legal or natural person responsible for managing data on behalf of the Company. They include third-party entities or employees hired by them that support and offer related services related to this Service or assist the Company in analyzing how users utilize it.

Third-party Social Media Services refer to any website that allows users to sign in or create an account in order to utilize its service.

Usage Data refers to data that is automatically or manually collected and generated by a service or infrastructure (for example, when someone visits a page).

Website refers to and you, refers to any individual using and accessing its services (or an appropriate business or legal entity on their behalf), whether directly or through its APIs.

Collecting and Utilizing Your Personal Data:

Types of Information Collected

Personal Data

In using our Service, we may ask for certain personally identifiable data which could identify or contact You. Examples include (but are not limited to):

State, Province, Zip/Postal code and City as the email recipient’s details for delivery of the service. Usage Data

Usage data is automatically gathered while engaging the Service.

Usage Data may include information such as your device’s Internet Protocol Address (e.g. IP address) and browser type or version, the pages You viewed on Our Service, their time/date/length of visit to these websites, unique device identifications and diagnostic information about you and/or them.

When we collect information via mobile devices, such as smartphones or other smartphone-powered devices, we may collect certain data automatically relating to them, including but not limited to your unique ID of that mobile device and IP address, smartphone operating system type and type of Internet browser you use, unique identifiers for devices used and diagnostic information about them.

We may collect information that Your browser sends us whenever You visit or use the Service via mobile devices.

Information Provided from Third-Party Social Media Services: Its The Company permits You to establish an account and login for use of its Service through any of these third-party Social Media services:

Google+ Facebook Instagram Twitter:

LinkedIn When signing up or giving us access to any Third-Party Social Media Service, We may collect any personal data already linked with its account – including Your name, Email Address and actions taken or contacts in that account.

Your third-party Account on Social Media provides another avenue for providing more details to the Company. By giving this information – whether for registration purposes or any other means – to us, including personal data – we grant us permission to share, use and store this data according to our Privacy Policy.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

At Our Service, we utilize tracking technologies like Cookies for monitoring user activity on Our Platform as well as to store certain details. Some examples of tracking technologies we employ include beacons, tags and scripts which collect and track data in order to enhance and Analyse Our service, while boosting and Optimizing it further. Examples of how these technologies could be utilized could include:

Cookies, also referred to as browser cookies, are small pieces of data stored on your Device and used by certain applications or websites. Your browser allows you to disable or monitor Cookies; or notify you each time one has been transmitted. If you opt not to accept or alter your browser settings to block cookies from our Service, certain features might become inaccessible – our Service could still use Cookies without alteration in settings!

Web beacons. Certain pages on our Service and emails could contain small electronic files called web beacons (also referred to as clear pixels, GIFs and single-pixel GIFs), which allow the Company to track how many people visited those pages or opened emails, in addition to gathering other pertinent data about its website (for instance tracking which sections are popular or traffic patterns at any given point in time and ensuring its integrity).

Cookies may either be “Persistent” or “Session.” Persistent cookies remain on your personal device or computer even when offline, whereas Session Cookies will be erased as soon as you close your browser. For more information on cookies please read this Terms Feed article.

We utilize both Session and Persistent cookies for various functions as detailed below:

Essential or Necessary Cookies:

Type of Session Cookie Managed by Us; Purpose. These essential or necessary Cookies are required in order to provide services and features offered on our website, authenticate users, prevent fraudulent account usage and authenticate accounts correctly. Without these essential or necessary Cookies services You have requested cannot be delivered and We only utilize them with this purpose in mind.

Cookies Policy/Notice/Acceptance Acceptance Persistent cookies Administered by usPurpose: Cookies are used to determine whether users have accepted the use of cookies by the Website.

Functionality CookiesType Persistent cookies managed by UsPurpose: These Cookies help us keep track of the choices you make while browsing our website, such as remembering login information or language preferences. Their purpose is to offer additional functionality, while avoiding having to enter such preferences every time you access the Website.

For more information about the cookies we use and your options related to them, please refer to either our Cookies Policy or Privacy Policies’ Cookie Sections.

Use of Your Personal Data

Our Company can utilize personal information for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:

Focusing on providing and maintaining our Service while monitoring usage.

Your account: Our Service allows registered users to manage their registration as registered users with various features available to registered users of our Service. By providing personal data about yourself as a registered user, access may be gained to various features that make up part of its offerings.

Contract Execution: the execution of contracts such as purchase contracts pertaining to items, products or services purchased via Our Service as well as any other agreements entered into through it.

How we want to reach you: Reach you via phone, SMS text messages (SMSs), emails or any form of electronic communications such as mobile applications’ push notifications about updates or information regarding product or contract services functionality or security updates necessary for their use.

Prepare you with updates, special offers, and general information regarding similar products and services we provide that may have already been purchased or inquired about – except if you choose not to receive this information.

Assesing Your Needs: In order to effectively meet and respond to Your requests.

For Business Transactions: Your information may be used by Us when considering acquisition, merger, restructuring, dissolution, reorganization or any other transfer or sale of our assets whether in connection with continuing concern operation or through liquidation bankruptcy or similar processes in which Personal Data held by Us about Users of our Services will form part of these transfers of assets.

As well as for other purposes, We may also utilize Your data for various other reasons, such as data analysis and trends identification as well as measuring how effective our advertising campaigns have been; and to evaluate and enhance our Services, products or services as well as market your experience.

Under certain conditions, we may share your personal data:

Providers: Service Providers may share Your personal data with Service Providers so as to monitor and examine how You use our service, as well as communicating with You directly.

Business Transactions: Your personal information may be disclosed or transferred as part of negotiations for merger, sale or financing of our Company assets, acquisition by another business of all or part of our operations, etc.

Together with affiliates: Our company may share Your personal information with affiliates of Ours who adhere to Our Privacy Policy, such as Our parent company or any joint venture partners or companies we manage or control together.

With Business Allies: We may share Your personal information with our business allies so they can offer You specific products, services or special promotions.

Engaging with other members: When sharing personal information or engaging with other users in public spaces, that information becomes accessible to any and every user – as well as to anyone outside. When engaging with other users via a Third-Party Social Media Service, your contacts on said service may view Your profile, name images and activities descriptions – in turn other users may view details regarding Your activities while conversely checking out Your profile and engaging in communication with You.

Without your permission, we may share Your personal data for any other purpose.

Retention of Your Personal Data

Our Company will only store and use Your Personal Data for as long as necessary for fulfilling its purposes, as described within this Privacy Policy. For example, We must adhere to applicable legal obligations such as keeping Your Information up-to-date in accordance with regulations; resolve disputes; implement our policies and legal agreements and meet legal obligations (for instance in regards to tax laws); implement policies or legally bind agreements (such as insurance contracts).

The Company may retain Usage Data for internal analysis. Usage Data is typically retained for shorter times; with exceptions made if this data is needed to improve security or performance for our Service or we are legally obliged to store it for longer periods.

Transfer of Your Personal Data:

Your information, which includes Personal Data, is processed both within our operational offices as well as other locations where the relevant individuals responsible for its management may reside. This could result in it being stored or transmitted on computers outside Your country, state, province or any other jurisdiction where laws pertaining to data protection could vary significantly from those applicable in Your area of jurisdiction.

Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and providing this information represents your agreement to its transfer.

The Company will take all steps necessary to protect and treat your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and no transfer of Your personal Data to any entity or country will occur unless there are appropriate security measures in place, which include protecting Your data. The following categories apply for protection of Data: 1) Email ID 2) Password 3 (3) Credit card/Debit card data as well as personal identification numbers etc 4) Other personal information

Are You Entitled to Erase Your Personal Data As per applicable data privacy law, you are entitled to request us help in deleting any personal information we have accumulated regarding you.

Our Service may allow You the option of erasing certain information about You from its database.

Your personal information can be updated or erased at any time by logging into your account if there is one and accessing the account settings page that allows you to manage personal data. You may also contact us if you would like access, rectify, or remove any personal information we hold for you.

Note: it is essential to remember that we may need to store certain data when there is a legal mandate or basis for doing so.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Business Transactions

Should our company engage in merger, acquisition or asset sale proceedings, Your Personal Data may be transferred. In such an instance, we will provide notification prior to transfer and it is subject to its own privacy Policy.

Law Enforcement

Under certain circumstances, companies may be obliged to share your Personal Data as part of law enforcement efforts or in response to legitimate demands from officials of the public (e.g. a court or federal agency).

Other legal obligations

The Company may disclose Your Personal Data on reasonable belief that such action are necessary:

Protect the rights and assets of the Company Uphold their legal obligations Safeguard the personal safety of Users or members of the general public using the Service; as well as protecting yourself against legal liabilities

Security of Your Personal Data

Our priority is the protection and security of Your Personal Data, but please remember that there is no absolute assurance when transmitting or storing data over the internet or electronic storage systems. While we employ the most secure methods possible to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot ensure its absolute safety.

Children’s Privacy Our Service does not target individuals under 13, nor do we collect personally identifiable data from anyone under 13 without first receiving parental permission. If a guardian or parent knows that their child has provided Us with Personal Data without permission, please reach out immediately as this could mean We collected this data without checking with them first and have taken steps to delete this from our servers immediately.

If We must rely on consent as the legal basis for processing Your data and Your nation requires parental approval before collecting and using Your information, then We could seek parental permission prior to gathering or using it.

Links to Other Websites Our Service may contain links to third-party websites which are not owned or managed by Us, when clicking on them you will be taken directly to their respective website and it is strongly suggested that you review their Privacy Policies prior to visiting any new websites.

We cannot assume responsibility for the content privacy policies and practices employed by any third-party websites or services.

Updates to this Privacy and Security Policy

From time-to-time, we may make revisions to our Privacy Policy and will notify our visitors by posting the most up-to-date version on this site. If any significant modifications occur, they will be made known via this page.

Before any changes become effective, we will notify You via email or a prominent announcement in Our Service and update the “Last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

Check this Privacy Policy regularly for any updates. Any modifications will become effective upon publication on this webpage.

Contact Us

Should you have any inquiries about the Privacy Policy, please email us:

Please contact by email for inquiries regarding purchasing tickets or sponsorship packages.